Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can We Make it through Peak Oil in Central Maine?

Lately I have been thinking a lot about whether we'll make it through peak oil around here. I'm not so sure any more. We have a small maple sugaring operation and you would think that people would respect the fact that we are making a product there. We have been vandalized at least 3 times, seriously. The last time somebody shot 6 bullets into the shack from a high powered rifle. It damaged the evaporator, but we can still make maple syrup. Our motto for this year is "illegitimati non carborundum", which means don't let the bastards grind you down.

The maple sugaring operation is just a small example of the kind of place that we will need to have to produce food and fiber for ourselves in the future. We will need to be able to work without worrying about people messing with what we are doing. It makes me think that we may need to guard the places where our substenance is coming from.

The world seems headed for exactly the kind of trouble that the "doomers" are always warning us about.

Instead of working together and making our communities thrive we will fall into fighting and wrecking the efforts of the few people who are trying to make farming work.

I really don't know what the answer is, but we are going to keep on boiling sap until the season is done.

Ilegitimati non carborundum!!!

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